Fundação Batalha de Aljubarrota
Friends of Aljubarrota
Who are the friends of Aljubarrota?
The contribution from the Friends of Aljubarrota allows the Foundation the fulfillment of its mission, embracing the following challenges:
- Educate and sensibilize our public, both young and adult, to the History of Portugal and one of its major events;
- Promote thoughts and debate on the culture and identity of the portuguese people;
- Develop and create cultural activities for all age groups, as well as teambuilding events for companies;
- Preserve and improve the historic landscape of the Battle of Aljubarrota battlefield, recently nominated National Monument;
- Assert itself nationally and internationally as a leading institution in the field of preservation of battlefields that played an importance in the construction of Europe.
It is due to the contribution form our Friends that the Foundation continues to educate, inspire and bring people closer to a unique and unreplaceable place that was the stage of one of the most important moments of our History.
Therefore, by supporting this project as Friend of Aljubarrota, you will also have benefits and advantages, which are our way of thanking you for joining us!

Individual FBA Friend Card
- Attribution of “Individual FBA Friend” card
- Information about Foundation’s initiatives and activities programmed by CIBA
- Invitation to the opening of temporary exhibits
- 8 admissions to visit CIBA per year (Free)
- 10% discount on CIBA’s gift shop products
- Participation on the official ceremonies of the commemoration of the 14th of August (Free)
- Participation on the annual CIBA anniversary lunch (Free)
- Access to the annual guided tour exclusive for FBA Friends (Free)
- Access to events and shows promoted by CIBA (Free)
Granted under the status of Cultural Sponsorship, stated in the Decree- Law n.º 215/89 of the 1st of July, with the alterations introduced by the Decree- Law n.º 108/2008 of the 26th of June, namely n.º 1, paragraph d), from article 62º. Therefore, and for personal income tax IRS outcome, the individual donations will benefit from a 25% accretion.

Company FBA Friend Card
- Attribution of “Company FBA Friend” card
- Information about Foundation’s initiatives and activities programmed by CIBA
- Special conditions for teambuilding activities
- 10% discount on CIBA’s gift shop products
- Invitation to the opening of temporary exhibits
10% discount on CIBA’s gift shop products - Invitation to participate on the official ceremonies of the commemoration of the 14th of August (Free)
- Invitation to participate on the annual CIBA anniversary lunch (Free)
- Access to the annual guided tour exclusive for FBA Friends (Free)
- Exclusive guided tours by previous booking (Free)
- Access to visits to CIBA beyond the regular opening hours by previous booking
- Receive the Annual Report
- Acknowledgement of contribution in the Annual Report
Granted under the status of Cultural Sponsorship, stated in the Decree- Law n.º 215/89 of the 1st of July, with the alterations introduced by the Decree- Law n.º 108/2008 of the 26th of June, namely n.º 1, paragraph d), from article 62º. Therefore, and for personal income tax IRS outcome, the individual donations will benefit from a 25% accretion.
How to Join?
To join, please send an email to
- Photograph (in the case of an individual card)
- Document proving bank transfer to NIB 0007 0867 00000 80000 963
- Adhesion Form filled with the required information