Fundação Batalha de Aljubarrota
Foundation Statutes
Chapter I – Nature, Duration, Headquarters and Object
Article 1
The Fundação Batalha de Aljubarrota is a non profit organization and a corporate entity that will be governed by the present statutes, on all other matters not covered, by the applicable Portuguese laws.
Article 2
The Foundation was constituted for an undetermined amount of time and has its headquarters at Rua D. Nuno álvares Pereira, número quarenta e cinco (no. 45), segundo andar direito (second floor right), in São Jorge, Parish of Calvaria de Cima, District of Porto de Mós.
Article 3
The Foundation has the objective to promote, redevelop, and preserve the following locations from a cultural, social and heritage point of view:
- The military camp where the Battle of Aljubarrota took place, in the XIV century, to reconstitute, in the form of an “open-museum”, the field and the circumstances in which the battle took place with the objective to promote the most important event in Portuguese history to both the Portuguese audience and tourists whom visit us.
- Other locations of historical or cultural importance associated to the War of Independence that took place between 1383 and 1432.
- In light of its experience and knowledge, the Foundation will acquire and may also occasionally collaborate in the recovery of other battlefields relevant to the History of Portugal, namely the ones associated to the War of Restoration between 1640 and 1668.
Article 4
- In order to reach its objectives, the Foundation may:
- Purchase or rent property located within the classified or protected area around the Military Camp of S. Jorge, with the objective to, in as much as possible re-establish the natural conditions and landscape in this location on the 14 of August 1385;
- Organize meetings, debates, conferences, exhibits, field trips and other similar activities on medieval military activities, in particular on the battle of Aljubarrota;
- Contact with the media;
- Obtain pieces or other evidence of historical and military interest to constitute a document and bibliographic collection;
- Carry out research projects on Aljubarrota;
- Grant subsidies, scholarships and other support to people and entities whom, due to the work carried out in the research or promotion of the battle of Aljubarrota, guarantee competence and the capacity to contribute to the objectives of the Foundation;
- Foster the development and valorisation of the Military Museum of S. Jorge as well as its activities;
- Intervene in the recovery and valorisation of other locations of historic relevance associated to the War of Independence, or that conform with the provided for in number three of article three.
- The property acquired by the Foundation that is included in the classified area surrounding the Military Camp o f S. Jorge will be the Foundation’s perpetual property and can only be used to reconstruct the natural conditions and landscape in this location on the 14 of August 1385.
- If the Foundation were to close down, the property would be transferred to an entity that would continue to follow the objectives it was destined for.
Chapter II – Heritage
Article 5
- The Foundation is established with its own initial fund of fifty thousand euros.
- The Foundation’s assets will be extended with future contributions from its founder or by companies that it controls. It may also include any subsidies or donations from third parties of public or private nature.
- The Foundation’s assets will also be comprised of all the property, both mobile and real estate, which it may acquire with the income from its private property and which may be added to its assets from any other mean.
- The Foundation’s assets will also be constituted by a perpetual fund, to be donated by the founder in the amount of seven million five hundred thousand euros. Once allocated to the Foundation it will have the sole purpose to generate revenue to carry out the objective of the Foundation.
- In as much as possible, and namely through donations given, the amount referred in the previous paragraph shall be updated yearly according to the inflation rate determined by the Government at the end of each year to avoid its devaluation.
Chapter III – Foundation Bodies
Article 6 (Council of Curators)
- The Council of Curators is composed of five members chosen amongst figures of renowned merit, moral integrity and competence in any of the fields of the Foundation’s activity.
- The mandates of the members of the Council of Curators are for an undetermined amount of time and exclusion of members is only possible after Council deliberation with a ballot of at least two thirds of favourable votes for misconduct, serious offence or lack of interest manifested in the functions exercised.
- exercised. The Council of Curators will nominate a President amongst its members.
- The vacancies open for the Council of Curators due to death, impediment, termination of mandate, exclusion or resignation of one of its members will be occupied following the resignation of one of its members through deliberative poling with a majority of votes in a meeting with the remaining members of the Council of Curators.
- Whenever any member of the Council of Curators holds a political function incompatible with other functions exercised, the mandate will be suspended until the incompatibility is resolved.
- The Council of Curators will hold ordinary meetings once every semester and special meetings when summoned by the President, on his/her own initiative, or when requested by two of its members or by the Board of Directors.
- The members of the Council of Curators may be represented by another member, through a written document addressed to the President.
- The functions of the members of the Council of Curators are not paid although they may be attributed an attendance subsidy and an allowance to be determined by the Council, exclusively to cover costs its members may incur.
- Deliberations of the Council of Curators are taken by majority and the President has a casting vote.
- The Council of Curators may request that members of the Board of Directors be present at their meetings, although the foregoing will not have the right to vote.
- The organization of the Council of Curators is the one stated in article twelve.
- The Council of Curators shall:
- Guarantee the conservation of principles which inspired the creation of the Foundation and define general guidelines for its operation, investment policies and to reach the objectives set out by the Foundation;
- Nominate the members of the Board of Directors;
- Nominate the Supervisory Board;
- Analyze, in meeting with the Board of Directors, the report, balance and costs of the fiscal year.
Article 7 - (Board of Directors)
- The Board of Directors is composed of three or five members nominated by the Council of Curators amongst individuals that can guarantee that the objectives of the Foundation are reached.
- The first mandate of the Board of Director’s members is five years; the following mandates will have the duration of four years, renewable.
- If the President of the Board of Directors, nominated under the terms stated in the previous paragraph, is a member of the Council of Curators, the respective mandate shall be suspended while exercising that function.
- The members of the Board of Directors will be paid a salary to be determined by the Council of Curators.
- The mandate of the members of the Board of Directors terminates automatically at the end of the year in wich a member reaches seventy years of age. The exception is made for the first Board of Directors, which is responsible for the launching of the Foundation, and will have an age limit of seventy eigth years old.
- Deliberations of the Council of Curators are taken by majority and the President has a casting vote.
Article 8
The Board of Directors is responsible for managing the Foundation, namely to:
- Define the internal organization of the Foundation, approving regulations and creating the necessary bodies as well as occupy the respective positions;
- Manage the Foundation’s assets and carry out all the necessary actions for that purpose while fully empowered to do so;
- Approve the budget and the annual activity plans as well as the report, balance and costs of the fiscal year.
- Represent the Foundation in court, as claimant or defendant, as well as before third parties;
- Contract, fire and manage personnel;
- Institute and maintain internal accounting control systems which in a precise and complete manner reflect, in each moment, the Foundation’s situation regarding assets and finances.
Article 9 - (Binding the Foundation)
- The Foundation is bound by the signature of two members of the Board of Directors, one of which must be the President.
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Article 10 (Supervision)
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Article 11 (Vinculação da Fundação)
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Article 12
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Chapter IV – Modification Of The Statutes, Transformation and Extinction
Article 13
- The modification of the present statutes and the transformation or extinction of the Foundation may only be decided upon approval in a meeting between the Council of Curators and the Board of Directors in which there are four fifths of favourable votes of the sitting members, not withstanding the legal provisions in effect on the matter.
- If the Foundation is extinct, the Council of Curators will determined the fate of the Foundation’s assets, and unless there are legal provisions that state otherwise, whatever is judged as more convenient to carry out the purpose for which they were instituted.